e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Fixing Design Inconsistencies of Polymorphic Methods Using Swarm Intelligence

Fixing Design Inconsistencies of Polymorphic Methods Using Swarm Intelligence

[1]Renu George and Philip Samuel, "Fixing Design Inconsistencies of Polymorphic Methods Using Swarm Intelligence", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 7–27, 2021. DOI: 10.37190/e-Inf210101.

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Renu George, Philip Samuel


Background: Modern industry is heavily dependent on software. The complexity of designing and developing software is a serious engineering issue. With the growing size of software systems and increase in complexity, inconsistencies arise in software design and intelligent techniques are required to detect and fix inconsistencies.
Aim: Current industrial practice of manually detecting inconsistencies is time consuming, error prone and incomplete. Inconsistencies arising as a result of polymorphic object interactions are hard to trace. We propose an approach to detect and fix inconsistencies in polymorphic method invocations in sequence models.
Method: A novel intelligent approach based on self regulating particle swarm optimization to solve the inconsistency during software system design is presented. Inconsistency handling is modelled as an optimization problem that uses a maximizing fitness function. The proposed approach also identifies the changes required in the design diagrams to fix the inconsistencies.
Result: The method is evaluated on different software design models involving static and dynamic polymorphism and inconsistencies are detected and resolved.
Conclusion: Ensuring consistency of design is highly essential to develop quality software and solves a major design issue for practitioners. In addition, our approach helps to reduce the time and cost of developing software.


UML models, software design inconsistency, polymorphism, particle swarm optimization


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