e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Reuse in Contemporary Software Engineering Practices – An Exploratory Case Study in A Medium-sized Company

Reuse in Contemporary Software Engineering Practices – An Exploratory Case Study in A Medium-sized Company

[1]Xingru Chen, Deepika Badampudi and Muhammad Usman, "Reuse in Contemporary Software Engineering Practices – An Exploratory Case Study in A Medium-sized Company", In e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 220110, 2022. DOI: 10.37190/e-Inf220110.

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Xingru Chen, Deepika Badampudi, Muhammad Usman


Background: Software practice is evolving with changing technologies and practices such as InnerSource, DevOps, and microservices. It is important to investigate the impact of contemporary software engineering (SE) practices on software reuse.
Aim: This study aims to characterize software reuse in contemporary SE practices and investigate its implications in terms of costs, benefits, challenges, and potential improvements in a medium-sized company.
Method: We performed an exploratory case study by conducting interviews, group discussions, and reviewing company documentation to investigate software reuse in the context of contemporary SE practices in the case company.
Results: The results indicate that the development for reuse in contemporary SE practices incurs additional coordination, among other costs. Development with reuse led to relatively fewer additional costs and resulted in several benefits such as better product quality and less development and delivery time. Ownership of reusable assets is challenging in contemporary SE practice. InnerSource practices may help mitigate the top perceived challenges: discoverability and ownership of the reusable assets, knowledge sharing and reuse measurement.
Conclusion: Reuse in contemporary SE practices is not without additional costs and challenges. However, the practitioners perceive costs as investments that benefit the company in the long run.


software reuse, contemporary SE practices, software reuse costs and benefits, software reuse challenges and improvements, InnerSource


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